The smallest gregorific had a birthday this week. I know. Time flies and she will only believe that she can too for a little longer. Let me hold onto the magical times as long as I can. That's kind of the reason I jump into my daughters' birthday parties head first.
And being the type to spend months hammering out the symbolism of my YA novel, I grinned yes and started sketching out my ideas. Creativity is my passion.
Have you ever read the Tree House books? Jack and Annie go to the biggest oak tree in the woods and climb into the tree house and point to a map. They say I want to go there and the tree house spins and spins and then it is absolutely still and they are at the place they wanted to go. It is everyone's fantasy, right? Where would you want to go? Of course Jack and Annie want to go to Eygpt, prehistoric times, colonial days, to the moon- you get the picture. It’s magic, ‘kay?
So we decided for the gregorific party to have six challenges in six different rooms. Each room earns them a token to solve the final challenge which is a treasure (gift bags with Magic Tree House books in them.) Between each challenge they went into my daughter’s room where we had a tent shaped like a house on the bed and a ladder leading into it. This was the tree house where they had to point to a map in order to travel magically to the next challenge.
People, it was fun to plan it and even more fun to see them running all over time and the globe to earn their treasure.
I learned three things. Being the generous gregorific I am, I want to share them with you, dear reader. One at a time of course, for easy digestion.
1. It’s hilarious to be building a tree house cake at midnight with your sister and brother-in-law. *Worth it.*