The gregorific clan has been trained well. November is MY month. For those of you waking from hibernation, November is NaNoWriMo. Each year I use pencil and paper to spell it out for my kidlets:
Na- National
No- November
Wri- Writing
Mo- Month
There is always a satisfying Ahhhh from them as they “get it.”
When you meet the goal of 50,000 words in 30 days you get the honor of being able to buy a winner’s t-shirt!! You know it! I WON the last two years. This year, I’m coming in strong, with a sequel to a novel that got great responses from select agents. So I know the characters well and the plot has been simmering on my brain’s back burner for a year. It’s go time!
How do I do it? I put everything possible on hold. I negotiate accommodations with the gregorifics. This year I got the best deal yet. They are softening, ya’ll!
It’s also gratifying in a different way. When he gets home and the kids ask him what’s for dinner, he says, “Dinner? Again?” That’s how I always feel! This non-stop dinner requirement is exhausting.
And with the lunches, he said one morning, “But it takes so long. And they don’t even notice.” Yes, the gregorific leaders are very wan about food. The feeding of the children is such a thing.
The writing is going very well. I have no problem thinking of words and plots and people to put on paper...if I can avoid words, plots, and people in my reality. One, or the other.
*That’s what I’m doing this month.*
When you fully immerse yourself, I do think you get different, intense, brave results. And if you have the tolerance to encompass your every thought and fiber and being into something, then, yeah, DO IT. I agree, Andrew!
Stay hydrated,