I’m getting to be a real environmental nut. Little things drive me bonkers: when people don’t use both sides of a sheet of paper, COVER sheets, the junk mail I can’t seem to stop, the empty buses driving about- fill them up people- they’re free and you can text all you want during the ride!
Stuff like that. And more. But I won’t go on. One of my missions is to highlight the importance of responsible environmental stewardship. Yeah, I threw down that word. Stewardship. I have a whole pocketful of lingo like that at my disposal. So watch out.
For the third year now I'm helping organize our neighborhood's Earth Day Clean-Up Event. Can you believe there are still people who litter out there? Really? People. Come on. You can’t ask your iphones where the nearest trash can is? Isn’t there an app for that? Every year we pick up more and more disgusting trash: plastic bottles, condom wrappers, shell casings, beer cans…what kind of party goes on here in my community? Ever heard of the indoors? It’s a great place to party. Indoors. Trash up yer own domiciles, not the homes of little critters fighting to survive our nasty air and water and dirt pollution.
Wow. Um, writing, yeah, that’s what I intended this website to revolve around. Here is me circling back around to it. I don’t get writer’s block. I get Earth obsessed. The distractions are never-ending. Hours pass as I google ‘off-gassing’ to find out why my new bench stinks like a funeral home (sorry funeral homes). I stay up WAY too late watching documentaries that won’t let me sleep, like Tapped and Gasland. I spend time making organic meals that taste really…organic. Non-toxic alternative research is my hobby, my habit, my writer’s distraction.
And now I have incorporated the two. I write about it. So maybe this way I can pass it along to your brains, and it can knock around in there. Eventually maybe it’ll reach the people who litter. And the only way to get me to stop is to quit littering.
~Megan (the squeaky, unhinged wheel)
In honor of this sentiment, I will quote a personal hero.
“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” Thoreau in Walden