It was finally time. I’d waited, the DVD still in its plastic wrap, for years. I didn’t want the older daughter to watch it alone. We had to wait for the younger to be old enough to 'get it'. This movie had to be a family affair, a group experience. Because with the gregorifics, inside jokes must be shared…or else it’s called torture and we all suffer.
Yet PG movies are getting more and more crude, violent, and risque. I’m not a prude. (Well, okay, I am one.) It's common knowledge that the movie industry is slowly sliding down the same slippery slope that our social media and commercial culture is, becoming more and more immune to explicit language, innuendo, and questionable morality, and more and more accepting of material that used to be PG-13.
The verdict? We loved it. The giant Fezzik was their favorite character. The death of the fire swamp MOUS was heart wrenching to my youngest, but the plight of true love was a plot they could get excited about, yet not too emotional over.