Baby, I can feel your halo. Oh no you didn’t! My halo is private. #ToomuchBeyonce
We all know she meant boobylicious. #ToomuchBeyonce
Is unrequited love best unrequited? #RomanceNovelJunkie
You make an educated point and while I don’t agree, I respect you for expressing yourself so honestly. #CommentNeverMade
Time of day when the tantrum is bigger than my willpower to be a good mom. #WineOClock
I open the microwave and see the peas/tea/burrito I made yesterday…ohhhh, yeah! #EverHappenedTo You?
I would love a TV show where you meet a person and then get to see their junk drawers… or contents of their closets. #SecretsLikeToBeFound
Would like to see a Baby Jabba the Hut figurine made. #EveryoneStartsCute
Heads up- that’s not really bath salt. #NoWonderItStung
The only thing worse than paying for hotel internet access is the virus and identity theft that comes with free WiFi. #BonusPackageNoThanks
Are you Okay? #IfYouHaveToAsk…NO