I’m about to dive into 50 Shades of Grey. I set it as a lure or a reward for when I got all of my writing and reading ‘work’ done. It sucks when you’re self-employed and your boss is a driven snookie-head.
My hardest task was to revise LUPA, (my YA paranormal romance) in which brainiac Lucas risks everything to shield his crush Maddie’s dark secret from being exposed. Unfortunately, it’s his best friend Tim who wants to cage and experiment on all lupa, or she-wolves. Did I mention Maddie’s alter ego is a fiercely free wolf?
So that revision is done and I’m proud of the distilled product. The genre is saturated right now, like a baby's diaper in the morning, but I persevere. Good writing trumps all, a query shark once told me, and I hope so. On both counts. That my writing is good and that it trumps all.
I read the book for the review I'm writing for the paper. Since the book was about opera it took me a little longer than usual. Don't worry, I'll post the link when it's published. The opera was Don Giovanni; so essentially it was prep work for 50 Shades.
Then I had a manuscript request (!) and a pitch slam to prepare for, so I hustled my bustle. And here I am!
Mundane recap but at least now you are on the same page as me, comprehensively and literally. Page one of 50 Shades of Grey.
I have read many articles on this book. Enough to fill said book. The articles rant and rave about this being a step back for feminism. Reviewers scoff at the writing technique and quip that it is nothing more than Mommy Porn.
I’m sorry if that hurt your delicate ears. But that label is following it pretty closely and I cannot fathom why it disturbs me so. I’m a mom. I’m going to read the book. Why not? I heard it was a good read from my friends. Sure, some of them are moms. And some aren't.
Putting the title of my dearest role in life before a term I would define as debasing- that’s what I don’t like. I think Lady Erotica would have been better. Funnier, too. How did ‘mom’ enter into this discussion? I get how erotica or porn came into the picture. But the book isn't about a mom or geared to appeal to a mom. A woman, yes.
Look up how many women reading it are moms and compare that to the percentage of moms reading other genres. Get back to me. I’ll do a study on it.
I’m of the opinion that whatever you want to read is fine by me. Books, I mean. Any book you want to spend time on and enjoy is great. Walmart fiction? Cool. Romances? Lovely. Non-fiction? Hey, more power to ya. Memoirs? Wonderful. Self help? Choose-Your-Own-Adventure? Postmodern? Poetry? Western? Mystery? SciFi? Hey, it’s allllllll good.
Why do people blither and blather about taste in books? Well, it’s another random way to divide and judge for those people so insecure that they have to spend time dividing and judging. I’d rather read.
I’ll get back to you about 50 shades of lust. I’m looking forward to the ride.