Wow. Just...wow.
I enjoyed this book in a surprising way. I thought it was superbly written in a style I usually associate with literary big wigs who are typically men. It was a delight to see a woman master this form, and do it with such fresh topic matter and with lively, imperfect-but-lovable characters.
Did I cheer for the stalker to win? I was torn- especially when his crimes escalated. In the end, I actually thought he deserved better than the woman he decided to stalk. But after he had made the decision, all of his actions past that I had to condemn. It was a good exercise in testing my personal moral compass.
I loved reading about his obsession in the way it was written, as a twisted tribute to devotion and standards. He almost had me convinced.
Bravo, Caroline Kepnes. Thanks for a really unique, brilliant read.
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