Psst…it’s easy.
My poison ivy is making it hard to exist. I am seriously considering taking a roofie and knocking myself out until it is healed. Severe sedation is an over-the-counter remedy, right?
I don’t have any roofies. And benedryl makes me hyper so I’d only itch fasterFASTERFASTER if I took it.
I know there are bigger problems out there but I couldn’t help sharing my pain, as blogging is kind of a self indulgent process, isn’t it? If I write about others it’s gossip. If I write about celebrities then it’s slander (you know I only have shrewish things to say about celebrities, right? Except Ellen DeGeneres- no issues with her whatsoever.)
It’s severely hampering my dream patio’s completion and my writing, as it’s all over my wrists and forearms. Typing essentially tickles the oozing, shiny pustules. Oh, dude. I’m sorry.
Gregorific will be doing the natural thing after suffering serious poison ivy (let’s go with it being serious, shall we?). Camping in the wilderness. That’s what I’m doing this weekend. I’m going to tightly duct tape around my arms up to the elbows to avoid itching. After a couple days it’ll be cured under there and I can soak it off. This may be a cool new trend in fashion. I’ll let you know how it goes.
I have slathered steroids on it and I am feeling better. Thank you for all the warnings about duct tape! My, my, gregorific fans are very knowledgable and handy!