Good morn, ya’ll! I’m typing through a haze of snog today and therefore you will surely detect the hints I drop about my true, non-blog identity. If you’re good, I’ll tally them up and let you check your answers at the end...here we go!
The first thing I should report on is the break in the CASE OF THE MUSCLE-LESS MILK. I have found the distributor of this rare and odd product. (You will remember that I am tracking the purchasers of this product down because I find bottles/cartons littered in my neighborhood everywhere!) I found the bottles available for purchase in the wide open of the beverage aisle at Wegmans. Later you will see I have nothing against Wegmans. It is my second home; sometimes my first. So I have the first clue to solve the case! The litterer -possibly- may purchase the weapon of littering at Wegmans. I am sure the case will be solved soon. *I have included the pic above labeled as Article of Guilt #2, the first being the huge bag of litter picked up on Earth Day containing at least nine cartons of Muscle Milk.
Please excuse me now while I belt out the lyrics to Adele’s ‘Turn the Tables’.
Okay, I’m back and my throat is suffering but my heart’s racing. Don’t worry, my cloud of sinusitis will clear soon as my doctor has called in a Z-pack for me.
Leading me to the latest in the greatest of GREGORIFIC:
*Gregorific finds herself eating in patterns. The same group of foods in mass quantity and then out of nowhere the foods all switch at once. This will now be tracked on this glorious of all glorious blog.

3. Raw Spinach/Kale: if budget allows, Vampire Killer dried kale.
4. Expresso shots- yes, in combination with number one, it’s spring, you know.

7. Amy’s Spinach and Feta pita pockets
8. Annie’s cheddar bunny crackers
9. Frozen Waffles
10. Z-pack
Okay, more soon, I must go onward with my day of planning my dream patio in under 200 dollars. I’m starting at a concrete square so wish me luck.
~a congested but inspired gregorific.
Lift the veil: Many hints were dropped to include my seasonal location, my health, my taste in tunes, my exact food preferences, my favorite medication…eventually a picture will emerge of the enigma under the conundrum under the puzzle under the veil…of gregorific…right when you think you know me…I’ll change.