I got tired of waiting for my lawn to be weed wacked and I picked up the darn machine and plugged it in and went to town. The power! The noise! The aching arms! I got so much wacked! I felt like a professional hit man. Sorry, it was too easy.
I spent an hour weed wacking around my landscaping and then the patio got a nice haircut to show off my slow building dream. Somewhere along the way –disaster struck. I got poison ivy in my own yard! Who knows where? It could be still lurking out there waiting for me to come back with another dream on my sleeve for its tentacles of poisonous itch to climb and attack. It’s bad, ya’ll, real bad. Am I gonna make it? I’ve tried some things to make myself not itch it. I am not proud to admit it but I get obsessed easily and I am obsessed with scratching this bratty itch!
Wow, this got long. And I have so much more to say. As a teaser I will let you in on the next story titles. I will post them after you digest this. Don’t worry, I’ll be back.
Story #4: PETRIFYING the logs.
Story #5: Sowing the Seeds of a Dream
Story #6: Set-Ups, Set-Backs, and Settees
Story #7: Glorious Patio of my Dreams –work in progress
‘Wearing my dream on my sleeve.’