I hit the open road and started my summer today. Three hours and I was in the city shopping with my best friend and eating one delicious thing after another. Ahhh, it’s nice to take a break from real life and vacation in someone else’s.
On my “Writing” page of this website is a picture of a 'doggy don't poop' sign that I saw in the same city on another visit. It seems funny to me. I mean if dogs can’t read, the picture would look like encouragement! I’ve never seen a sign like it. In a neighborhood near my house there is a handmade sign that reads 'Pick up after your dog!'. This has drawn a lot of comments from people as to the implied tone.
Today walking a different route in the city, I was shocked to see another miniature sign exactly like the original! Different color dog, less descriptive detail near the tail…but seriously? It’s the patch of grass between the sidewalk and the road. Where else should a dog conduct business?
It’d be different if it said, ‘Remember to Scoop’. Or had a dog cleaning up after itself. But not at all? Be realistic.
I wonder how popular these signs are?
I won’t lie. It made me want to be oppositional. In a really inappropriate way. Because my dog wasn't with me on this trip.

Is this the preferred spot for the dog’s business? Why is the sign so high up then? WHAT is going to happen at that tree?

Next trip.
Advice for the day: Eavesdropping is fun.
Here is the original photo of the original sign.