I’m easily influenced. I’ll cry driving by a wedding and I’ll get furious at a commercial. When I read some convincing articles and studies on deodorant being full of harmful ingredients, (especially for women, since they shave their underarms) then I stopped using deodorant.
Ya’ll, it’s good and bad- as most things are.
I’ll live longer by avoiding toxic ingredients.
But I’ll stink.
So in theory you’ll have me and my big stink for as long as possible.
Major life existential quandary: Quality or Quantity?
Short and sweet or long and reek? {Whoa, don’t go there.}
Postscript: People, I know. I know. I have tried many organic deodorants including all my favorite brands and even a crystal that I paid mega money for- and they all mask at best. At worst, they mingle with my glorious odor and produce a truly toxic combo, which I am sure causes negative effects on the olfactory senses of those around me. I am fortunate to be surrounded by people who do not mention it- to my face.
Proposing a study on it,